
2016-01-26 文/MBAChina 点击量:2060

文/GEP学生 朱张杰

作为GEP 2015浙大学期入学导向的重要组成部分,2016113日,杭州城市探索活动在杭州西子湖畔顺利举行。活动组织方浙江大学管理学院旨在通过此次活动让GEP同学,特别是外国同学更好地了解杭州——他们即将要在此学习、生活四个月的城市。





The Global Entrepreneur Program—China module began! On 13th Jan. 2016, the day after the opening ceremony of GEP 2015, the School of Management organized the “Hangzhou City Exploration” in order to give all GEPers, especially the foreign students some basic information and understandings about Hangzhou where they are going to spend the next four months.

39 GEPers from all over the world were divided into 5 groups and every group had several group missions need to accomplish and some destinations to visit. They were also asked to take photos of some famous places or architectures, such as Wusong tomb, Huagangguanyu and Hefang Street. Each part had corresponding score.

The destinations mostly were around the West Lake. So every group walked around and enjoyed the beautiful views of the West Lake. They not only took photos of the historical buildings but also the smiling face of Hangzhou local people. The laugh and footprints of all the GEPers were everywhere around the Lake. Some students were interested when they saw some elder people were practicing calligraphy in the ground only use water; another groups try some traditional Chinese food during the process.

Every team must back to classroom before 4 pm. So every group needs to finish the missions as soon as possible. After that, each group made a briefly presentation to share their experiences in the classroom with classmates. At last, the group 5 scored 1040 and rink the 1st.

Everyone was very tired after the city exploration, but it helped GEPers to get a better understanding of the ordinary Chinese people and their daily lives.

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