【对话管理大师】Business Model Innovation Strategy: Creating and Capturing Value
2023-05-11 文/ 点击量:2744时间: 2023-05-19 19:00
时间:2023-05-19 19:00-21:30
Raphael Amit美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院Marie and Joseph Melone教授、著名管理学教授,研究和教学兴趣主要集中在商业模式创新、家族企业、战略管理、创业、创业公司风险投资融资等。Amit博士创立并领导了沃顿商学院全球家庭联盟(WGFA),他曾担任沃顿商学院的学术总监,全面负责沃顿商学院在1999年至2015年间的所有创业项目。他在领先的学术期刊上发表了大量文章,并经常被广泛的从业者引用,同时兼任多家上市公司的董事,有着丰富的商业经验。
Raphael (“Raffi”) Amit is the Marie and Joseph Melone Professor and a Professor of Management at the Wharton School. He served as the Academic Director of Wharton Entrepreneurship which encompasses all of Wharton’s entrepreneurial programs between 1999 and 2015. Professor Amit holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Economics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Israel, and received his Ph.D. in Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management.
For over 20 years Professor Amit’s research and teaching has centered on the design and implementation of innovative business model strategies in both startups and incumbent firms. Professor Amit has published widely cited, award winning research on a broad range of issues that relate to business model innovation strategies, strategic management of corporations, entrepreneurship, venture capital, and on a range of issues that relate to ownership, management and control of family businesses. He is frequently quoted in practitioner outlets.
Professor Amit has held a range of management and Board of Directors positions in various companies around the world. He served as Chair of the Board of Directors of Creo Products Inc. for 6 years. (NASDAQ: CREO until May 2005 when it was acquired by Eastman Kodak.) Professor Amit has helped form the Korean Global IT Fund, a $100 million VC fund and has served as the first Chairman of the KGIF Advisory Board. Professor Amit has been serving on the Boards of Directors of numerous technology and family business firms for the past 25 years and consults globally to a range of private and public organizations.
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