Graduation Ceremony of Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management (GMSCM) Program was successfully held

PublishDate:28 Feb 2016  Click:3565

February 28, 2016 Hangzhou - the Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management (GMSCM) program ushered its first batch of graduates. The first 19 graduates of the program took part in the graduation ceremony held by McGill University in Hangzhou. The Graduation Ceremony of Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University will be held in Canada on June 1st this year. Prof. Isabella Bajeux-Besnaino, Dean of Desautels Faculty of Management, Prof. Saibal Ray, Vice-dean of Desautels Faculty of Management, Ms. Katherine Knitel, Development Officer of Desautels Faculty of Management, Mr. Alvin Chung, Head of Alumni Relations and Advancement, McGill University Asia Office, Mr. MA Shuqun, the director of admission in the region of Greater China for McGill University under GMSCM program, Prof. WU Xiaobo, Dean of School of Management, Prof. SHOU Yongyi, the director of MBA Program and co-director of GMSCM program at Zhejiang University, and graduates and their relatives all were present at the graduation ceremony. In addition, students of 2014 and 2015 cohorts also took part in this ceremony. Prof. SHOU and Prof. Ray jointly presided over the ceremony.

At the very beginning of the ceremony, Dean Isabella Bajeux-Besnaino extended her wishes to 19 graduates on behalf of the program partner—Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University. She indicated that these 19 graduates are the first alumni of GMSCM program and also indispensable members among the alumni cohort spreading all over the world with a large number. It is her expectation that all graduates can actively fit in the global alumni network of McGill University as well as organize and participate in more worldwide alumni activities.

Later on, Dean WU Xiaobo, on behalf of School of Management of Zhejiang University, extended his congratulations on the 19 graduates and his cordial gratitude to professors of the two universities who had devoted painstaking care and efforts to cultivating these graduates. Dean Wu said that it is a pleasure to cooperate with McGill University enjoying high reputation in the world, and efforts of both parties witness harvest now. For these 19 graduates, this program would be an extraordinary experience in their life. Every graduate should feel proud of their own performance. What’s more, this honor not only belongs to graduates, but to professors who offer all they have and relatives and friends who support and accompany these graduates all the way. Nevertheless, this is only a small step on their way to success. Possessing more abilities means bearing more social responsibilities. Dean Wu expressed his hope that graduates can achieve their own success and create a bright future.

Prof. Saibal Ray of Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University gave a speech as a representative of tutors. He expressed that in addition to full-time jobs, these 19 graduates bravely chose high-strength study, and thus they undertook a lot of difficulties far beyond ordinary people’s imagination in balancing study, family and work. As the first graduates of the program, they grew along with the program. Professors of the two universities all poured their greatest efforts and energy into program design and student cultivation. He believes that graduates all have obtained solid professional skills and knowledge during the two-year study.

LI Bin, graduate representative of GMSCM 2013, shared stories touched him during the two years of study with present guests and families. He said that the neighborliness and harmony friendships among students in the past two years are still vivid in his mind. Classmates’ diligent and persistent studying passion kept infecting him. When he encountered setbacks and felt lost, numerous hands supported him, telling him that he was not fighting alone! In the studying process, they graduates not only broaden their horizons, but also liberate their minds and obtain global visions and alumni networks. LI Bin expressed that he was privileged to be a component of his classmates’ memories and he hoped that he and his classmates can become the pride of Zhejiang University and McGill University.

At the end, 19 graduates took turns to get on the stage and took over the certificates on which their hard work and efforts over past the two years gathered awarded by Dean Isabella Bajeux-Besnaino, and badges of McGill University symbolizing the glory of their alma mater.