Wenguang QU

Wenguang QU

Associate professor

Education Background:
09.2000 - 08.2008 Ph D Information Systems ,McGill University
09.1997 -03.2000 Master Management Science & Engineering ,Zhejiang University

09.1993 - 06.1997 Bachelor Computer Science ,Zhejiang University

Courses Taught:
Avanced Methods for Management Rsearch ,Postgraduate ,Chinese
Information Systems Research ,Postgraduate, English

Lectures on Information Systems ,Undergraduate, Chinese

Research Interests:
IT business value,IT outsourcing, Cloud computing, Inter-organizational systems,Global IT issues
More Info:
Dr. Wen Guang QU is an associate professor in the School of Management at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. He obtained his bachelor degree in computer science and master degree in technology management from Zhejiang University and Ph.D. in information systems from McGill University, Canada. Dr. Qu has taught courses at PhD, master, and undergraduate levels. His current research interests include IT business value, IT outsourcing, inter-organizational systems, and global IT issues. His research work has been published in academic journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Global Information Management, and Industrial Management & Data Systems. He also serves as a frequent reviewer for several top-tier journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems. Dr. Qu is also the principal investigator of several research grants, including grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Ministry of Education of China.