

2011-04-27 文/浙大MBA教育中心  点击量:433

  TDK集团顾问、前副总裁;明治大学兼职教授横伸二(SHINJI YOKO)先生,应浙江大学MBA中心邀请,将于12月18日到访浙江大学,届时安排讲座,与大家面对面分享日本从80年代中期后产业结构的调整对中国目前面临的问题启示;探讨在产业结构调整的宏观形势下,企业的国际市场营销策略如何定位?欢迎同学们踊跃报名参加.

  主   题:《转型时期中国的战略选择--日本经验借鉴》

  时   间: 12月18日(周六)上午9:00

  地   点: 浙江大学紫金港校区(具体地点另行通知)

  语   言:English

  主讲人:横伸二 (SHINJI YOKO)(TDK集团顾问、前副总裁;明治大学兼职教授)


  ·Senior Vice President and Member of the Board of TDK Corporation based in Japan since 1998 with executive responsibility for worldwide sales and marketing within this global provider of electronics solutions. Retired in June, 2009 and acting now as an executive adviser.

  ·More than 30 years' global experience leading multi-cultural teams with first-hand knowledge of the effects of differences in culture, geography, religion, business practices and law in business within United States, Europe and Asia.

  ·Worked in overseas for 23 years, 13 years in the United States and Europe for ten years.

  ·Extensive experience of lecturing and training within both academic organizations and high profile business associations and groups.

  ·MBA, California State University, Hayward (2000) and Diploma, Economics, Osaka Prefecture University (1970).


  Mr. Yoko's global business experience has extended to the United States, Europe and Asia.  During his long and distinguished career, he has initiated several joint ventures in the United States and Germany; negotiated the acquisition of a company in the United Kingdom and the United States; and was instrumental in establishing a new company in the United States and in Hungary.

  Since 1998, he has been a Member of the Board of TDK Corporation which is based in Japan and has an annual sales turnover of around $10billion. In his role within global sales and marketing, he has successfully developed business within the Media, Transport, Telecommunication and IT sectors for companies including Nokia, Philips, Siemens, Big 3 (GM, Ford and Chrysler), AT&T IBM, HP and Apple. He has also established sales networks throughout multiple sites on an international level and set up manufacturing and R & D Centers in US states such as Mexico, Oklahoma, California, Georgia, Chicago and Los Angeles, and European sites in Hungary, Dublin and Dusseldorf.

  Through creativity, innovation and extensive commercial knowledge he has also invented, developed, and established a new business model, "Multi-dimensional Matrix Management System" (MMM System), which provides the most efficient global business management model for the Ubiquitous Society emphasizing the full utilization of IT and the importance of human management. The patent for this business model was applied and an outline of the MMM System was introduced in the Japanese Nikkei Journal.

  Mr. Yoko has also taught Executive MBA Students on a part-time basis at the business school in Vienna, Austria, as an adjunct Professor while he was on duty as a Senior Vice President of TDK, and has extensive experience as a public speaker delivering presentations to a varied, high profile audience.

  温馨提示:  参与此次讲座的MBA同学可记商务实践一次(请携带校园卡签到).


  联系人:王老师 (电话:88206780;邮箱
