

2011-07-05 文/浙大MBA教育中心  点击量:1079
      新加坡国立大学NUS邀请浙大MBA学生参加NUS组织的商业计划竞赛(2009),这次竞赛以团队(3-4人)参加的形式,参加者要先在对方网站上注册,入围的同学可免费赴新加坡展示商业计划案成果,并有机会获得2W新币的奖励。请有兴趣的同学仔细阅读NUS原始邮件后,于11月11日前发NUS商业计划竞赛报名表(2009).doc至中心王宏老师 踊跃报名参加!(如已组好团队,就以团队的名义报名).咨询电话:0571-88206780

                                                                                            浙江大学MBA 教育中心       



Greetings from the NUS Business School, Singapore!

It gives us immense pleasure to announce the launch of Cerebration ’09 and invite you to participate in the Business Plan Competition hosted by the NUS Business School, Singapore. Cerebration is now in its fifth year and is one of the top-notch premier business plan competitions among leading business schools all over the world.

The competition gives participants the opportunity to work on live cases based on 3 Asian companies (the Case Sponsors) that are seeking ideas for overseas/business expansion. The competition begins with registration, where participants form a team and choose their preferred Case Sponsor based on the Case Summaries on our website. At the close of the registration period, complete Case Studies of the preferred Case Sponsor  are mailed to all participating teams based on which they will write comprehensive business plans and compete for a chance to fly to Singapore on an all-expense paid trip and present their strategy to the top management of their chosen Case Sponsor.

So if you think you are ready for a true battle of mind, mettle, and matter, register now. This competition is open only to all Masters level students. We look forward to your participation. Please help us in circulating this information to all full-time and part-time graduate students at your school.


With best regards,

Zahira Nawi

On behalf of

Team Cerebration

NUS Business School, Singapore
