
关于DHL MBA Internship Program招收09年暑期实习生的通知

2011-07-05 文/浙大MBA教育中心  点击量:1127

     DHL MBA Internship Program即将开始招收09年暑期实习生。DPWN/DHL是世界知名的物流公司,此类公司每年都面向全球实施实习生(Internship)计划,以吸引和招聘人才。这对我们的MBA同学而言,是一个很好的锻炼机会。具体要求如下:






    请有意向的同学认真阅读附件MBA Intership Program.rar并于2008年11月14日前发送DHL MBA Internship Program 报名表.doc至,如需了解更多信息,可直接咨询MBACoordinator@deutschepost.de或中心王宏老师:88206780.

DPWN/DHL MBA Internship Program 2009

For the 7th year running, Deutsche Post World Net / DHL presents the MBA Internship Program for the 1st year students. This program is catered to 1st year MBA students from Europe, the United States and Asia to spend three to six months (beginning from June) at the company working on projects.

Under the supervision of a department head, they play an active part in both the operative business and demanding strategic projects.

Since its inception in 2002, outstanding students have been able to show off their abilities in various challenging projects conducted as part of our MBA Internship Program.

We place the students in an exciting environment where they can grow professionally and personally. We are proud to offer the students:

 * Challenging and dynamic projects

 * Different internship locations around the world

 * Internships in all business areas (Corporate strategy, M&A, finance, marketing, sales, and  information technology, consulting)

 * Competitive benefits package

 * Close contact and high visibility to senior management

 * Good career opportunities after graduation

 * Keep-in-Contact (KiC) system created as a retention tool and for networking purposes


